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California Residential Solar

Many California residents and establishments are going solar.

It’s no surprise considering California is the top state in terms of solar power generation.

Since sunshine is prevalent for most of the year, going solar helps you take advantage of ideal conditions.

It provides a slew of benefits, and there are a lot of incentives to making the switch.

Cali Solar is here to ensure that you get the best plan and take advantage of all California can offer.

Is It Worth Going Solar in California?

The short answer is yes.

Even if California is an expensive state to live in, the investment is well worth it.

The average cost to have a system installed on your property is around $16,000. It may seem like a hefty price, but it is an investment that quickly pays for itself.

The Benefits of Going Solar

Renewable Solar Energy - Cali SolarOne of the biggest benefits is the monthly savings you get from offsetting electrical use.

Instead of drawing from the grid, you generate your own power. In California, that can offset the entire electricity bill depending on your system.

You sell excess electricity back to the grid, and then it reduces the cost during nighttime or rainy days.

For the most part, you’ll experience a reduction of more than half of your electricity costs.

Many of our customers report cutting 80% or higher costs from electricity.

The system will pay for itself in a span of three to six years.

With ever-increasing electricity costs, finding a way to reduce them becomes essential.

Help the Environment

Solar energy is clean energy, meaning that it doesn’t release any harmful emissions.

Traditional electricity generation uses many non-renewable sources.

These include coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels.

These fuels release carbon emissions that can affect the health of all living things.

These are also greenhouse gases that hurt the ozone layer, contributing to climate change.

A solar panel system like ours generates zero harmful emissions.

By making the switch, you contribute to a healthier future for the next generations.

As the state continues this clean energy promotion, we’ll experience 80% fewer greenhouse gases by 2050.

A few years before that mark, the hope is that the state will fully function using clean energy sources.

Free Solar in California?

There is a way to get free solar panels in California through solar leasing programs.

While there is an argument that buying solar panels is a much better option than leasing, it depends on your current financial situation.

Here are the most popular options available:

  • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Renewable Energy - Cali SolarThe Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) means that you’ll pay nothing upfront. The $0 means you won’t pay for the system, labor, maintenance, and monitoring.

Under this agreement, a third-party pays for the entire project and leases you the solar system.

The catch is that you’ll have to pay for the generated electricity of these panels every month.

The PPA is similar to a monthly electricity bill, but the main difference is that solar power costs much less.

You won’t pay for anything upfront, and you begin saving money on the first day of use.

Most agreements last for 10 to 20 years. Once the contract is up, you have the option to buy the system or have it removed for free.

While this may be appealing, the first option may be better, as it allows you to have ownership of the panels.

On the other hand, in 10 to 20 years, you may want to replace your panels with newer, more efficient ones.

  • Solar Loan

You may want to buy the solar panels outright but don’t have the money to pay for them right now.

To help you get your panels as soon as possible, you can get a solar loan. You borrow money to cover the upfront cost of the installation.

You then use the savings you get to pay off the loan. One of the biggest benefits of getting a solar loan is that they are low interest.

While it may seem like you are getting into additional debt, these loans consider the amount of money you save.

It makes sure that you gain more than what you need to pay monthly to the bank.

You get the solar panels you want, pay the loan, and even save a little more money on the side.

Once you pay the loan, the solar panels are yours to keep. Most solar panels have a lifespan of around 25 to 30 years. With proper maintenance, you’ll enjoy your solar panels for many years to come.

California Incentives For Renewable Energy

Making the switch now is ideal because of all the state and federal programs supporting it.

These programs help reduce the costs of switching to solar overall through rebates, credits, and incentives.

Here are the ones available in CA:

  • Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): This federal program helps solar owners gain credits.
    It equals a percentage of their solar power system costs. In 2020, that credit equaled 26% of the final costs. It was reduced to 22% this year and will only last until 2022. After its end, only commercial establishments will benefit from a 10% credit from the ITC.
  • Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP): Homes that install a solar battery will gain a rebate. The rebate depends on its storage capacity.
  • Local Utility Company Rebates: These rebates are only available in Sacramento and San Francisco. You gain a cash incentive after the installation of the solar power system. The amount depends on the utility company.
  • Single-Family Affordable Solar Housing Program (SASH): This program is available for low-income homeowners. They can receive up to $3,000 per kilowatt of solar power installed.
  • Solar Energy System Property Tax Exclusion: Installing a solar panel system does not increase property taxes.

Save Money On Your Electric Bill When You Go Solar

Cali Solar has helped many residents and commercial establishments in The Sunshine State make the switch.

You can also experience lower electric bills and protection from outages.

Our panels are safe and help reduce your carbon footprint.

By switching to solar now, you can join the state as it moves to a renewable energy future.

If you’re concerned about the costs of solar installation, we’ll guide you each step of the way.

Our skilled technicians know how to help connect you to the right programs and incentives.

We’ll consult with you for each move so that we can create a system that fits your needs.

Contact Cali Solar today and go green!

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